Is a Church where God Answers Prayer, God is here, Open up your heart for him.


He is your Creator, the Master of the whole universe, you cannot sleep at home and expect God to act fast while you are not reminding him of his words.

For Example: A child that wants to get something from his father; 

1. He will ask his father.., if he did not comply.

2. He will disturb his father until his father give him that which he ask of..

That's the way it is between God and human, if you know how big your God is.., you don't need to panic whenever something happens.., you should remind God who is our creator his words.

He is our Father, surely he will answer us.

a. We all need to be patient, because he's waiting for the right time.

b. God is not a man that promise and fail, whatever he said that is what he will do according to his riches in heaven.

"just know that God has given us the power to take charge of everything on this earth, Power to make wealth, power to heal, power to command the devil to stay out of sight, power to tell problems to be calm and they will listen and be calm"  Phil. 4:19.

The devil will not win unless you let him, we are born to win, to shine, don't tell yourself.. " Oh God am a Failure" or ask God "Why all this things are happening to me" Be in-charge, take charge. Be you.., be real.., be spiritually alert and know when temptation come so that you will know how to handle it.

God is here...

Don't ever give up...

Be strong, prayerful,, and worship God every Sundays..

Worship with us @Heavenly Road Evangelical Church Assembly @Ogbaku Road, No man's land  off Onitsha Road.

drop any message or questions you want to ask here.

God bless you indeed...


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